Anyway, I knew all that to be true about movies a long time ago, but it wasn't until ELENA VANCE that I managed to gather together a large crew of wildly creative minds. It made everything so easy and the on-set experience became blissful. Having an amazing production designer made a world of difference; just wait until you all see what Darcy did to create Elena's bedroom. Extreme Makeover Cinema Edition. This movie also featured the best sound operators I have ever had on a movie, the best lighting, the best script supervision, the best production assistants... I am still floored by how smoothly everything went. And to top everything off, the rain held off (for the most part) until the final day of the shoot... and it made everything look so much better for that day.
Anyway, now is probably not the time to thank all the people who made my movie possible, but I've got one quick story that can serve as a microcosm of the entire wonderful experience. On Day 5 we were preparing to shoot one of the first scenes in the movie, a scene which introduces Beraly (played by Cami Ottman), the younger sister to our main character Terry. From the beginning Darcy and I had discussed how she should be wearing a prissy church-style dress her mom made her put on, but that in order to endure it she also wears her boots and her crazy wooly hat. Just before shooting I told Darcy that I figured Cami could lose the hat for this first scene and just have it for the Peacock Lane scenes... and with that, Darcy launched into a detailed description of who Beraly was and why she should be wearing the hat in the first scene. After a few sentences I cut her off so that I could quickly surrender. That's what I'm talking about: the key to a successful movie (not that I know much about success yet) is surrounding yourself with people who are so talented and see the vision so clearly that they can actually dictate to you what your vision is, as crazy as that sounds.
All these great BTS stills are by the amazing Larry McFarling, by the way. =)
So many more stories to tell, but right now I've got to go watch the Seahawks game.